Day 3 of Spend it Well’s East Timor Flood Relief

We’re going to do today’s update in numbers and photos:

Days of Flood Relief Work:  3
Total Money Raised: A$ 80,000
Total Spent: A$ 27,000
Refuge Camps Supported: 4
Villages Supported: 4
Approx Number of People Supported:  2,000+
% of Donor Money spent on Admin Costs: 0

Items Bought and Distributed:
500 tarpaulins
990 blankets
1900 kg rice
990 kg second-hand kids’ clothes
600 kg second-hand adults’ clothes
220 mattresses
600 mosquito nets
3,800 packets of noodles
720 bars of soap
1920 spoons
1380 plates
2520 sanitary pads
7500 pieces washing detergent
240 mosquito strips
A$1,500 of medicine
Tinned tuna, Sugar, salt, coffee, onions and garlic for 500 people

We’ve been amazed by the generosity of donors.  The need in East Timor right now is critical and we are using donated funds quickly to get help to people as fast as possible.  We value all donations large and small.  If you are able, please donate at

The gratitude from the people we’ve been able to help has been overwhelming.  We received a video clip today from one of the villages we visited thanking us (while standing knee deep in water) – they said we were the only ones to help them so far.

Thanks to everyone whose donations are making this possible from the Spend it Well team – Simon, Nandy, Balkis, Kris, Agostinho and Napo.