Melbourne Lunch raises $32,000 for Sesal School
Two months ago Toby Hemming, who I’d never met, but who’d been to one of our schools in Timor, came to me with the idea of raising money for us in Melbourne. We decided on a boardroom lunch and by last Tuesday, Toby had secured John Thwaites (ex Vic Deputy Premier) to speak and convinced almost 30 people to come along and pay $1,000 a head. Many other people who couldn’t attend the lunch donated as well. With the generosity of Peter McMullin and Cornwall Stodart who let us use their boardroom and the fabulous catering duo of Eliza McNair and Kate Ansett who provided a beautiful meal for us at cost price we raised $32,245. This brings our total funding for Sesal school to over $100,000 and will allow us to build them 6 new classrooms and toilets. It is an amazing result.