Timor Rain Clouds have an Architect Silver Lining

We’ve been waiting for the last 2 months for the rains to ease enough for our builder to get his trucks loaded with building supplies up to Ossoluga village.    Normally the wet season would have ended by June, but  it is still raining.  This means the dirt track to Ossoluga is impassable.

But the delay has allowed our fabulous pro-bono architect Richard Briggs to spend time with the builder and revise the plans to increase the quality and utility of the school within the existing budget.  He’s done things like teach the builder the best way to use the site and orient the building, removed the ceiling and added insulation to increase light and ventilation, increased the verandah size and added some panels in the roofing to allow natural light through.

So when this building is built (we’re poised to go as soon as rain breaks) it will be a vastly better structure which will last longer and  is a much more pleasant place to learn in.

Spend it Well_Ossoluga_design intent drawings_1307142 Spend it Well_Ossoluga_design intent drawings_1307143