Completed 2014 – US$49,500 New 3 Classroom and Teachers’ Room Semi-Permanent School Building, 3 Toilets and Hand-washing Facilities
When children finish primary school at Macalaco and Festau Schools (which we built in 2010 and 2011), Ossoluga Secondary School is where they should continue their education. However, the school was a windowless, dirt-floored shack which was totally useless in the wet season. The poor condition of the school meant that many children had to board in Baucau (often in terrible circumstances). Other children simply didn’t attend secondary school at all.
In 2014, Spend it Well, in partnership with the Office of Kirsty Sword Gusmão, built a new school at Ossoluga with three classrooms, a teachers’ room, three toilets and hand-washing facilties.