Macalaco School, Baucau District

Macalaco School, Baucau District

Completed 2011 – US$25,000 3 Classroom Semi-Permanent Building

Macalaco is a small village in stunning mountains, a 4 hour drive from Dili.  Over 130 children walk up to 4 hours a day from nearby peaks and valleys to attend school.  The school had to run two shifts a day, but many children couldn’t attend afternoon classes because it was too dark for them to walk home afterwards.  Spend it Well, in partnership with the Office of Kirsty Sword Gusmão, built a new semi-permanent 3 classroom and teachers’ room building. The project was fully funded by one Australian family.



An old classroom
Some of Macalaco's children


A new classroom
Kristy Sword Gusmão opening the school
Kris with the donor of the funds for the school