Completed 2014 – US$108,000 Two x Three Classroom School Buildings, Refurb of Toilets, Tank, Hand-washing Facilities and a Basketball/Volleyball Court
360 children were attending Seisal Primary School in only two usable classrooms. Even with teachers working two or three shifts over 12 hours, the students only received one or two hours of schooling each day. In 2014, Spend it Well, in partnership with the Office of Kirsty Sword Gusmão, constructed two new buildings at Seisal, which provide a total of 6 classrooms and a teachers’ room. The project also included the refurbishment of the toilets, which were previously unusable and the installation of a tank and hand-washing facilities. Much to the children’s delight we also built a new basketball and volleyball court. Total project cost was US$108,000.
Children outside the old school building
An old classroom
Graham Thompson (Spend it Well Director) with some school children
Honour guard at the opening outside one of the new buildings